If anyone had told me I’d have my own website one day I wouldn’t have believed it, but here it is, and here I am.
Earlier this year I attended a short professional development course called ‘Backing Yourself as an Artist’, at Eramboo in Terrey Hills (pictured). It came at the perfect time for me, as I’d decided this was going to be the year – the year I redirected my focus from words to pictures. The course was fabulous, and naturally we were given a lot of sound advice; advice that included, you guessed it, getting a website.
As there didn’t seem a lot of point in seeking advice and then ignoring it, I enlisted the help of the wonderfully talented Samantha Mackie and, ta da! A website I can call my own.
For those of you not familiar with Eramboo, it’s a special place (with a very special gate), located in the bush off McCarrs Creek Road. What I like most about it is that it’s non-threatening! Eramboo has such a lovely feel about it, thanks largely to the people who meet there. People much like me. Backing themselves is something a lot of creative people find difficult, and in that regard I’m no different to anyone else, but things like that seem to become a lot easier as we get older. I suspect it’s because we learn life really is short – too short to be doing things we don’t want to be doing, or letting the opinions of others matter to us all that much; certainly not as much as they did when we were younger.
So I’ll leave it there for now, and turn my chair from my computer back to my painting bench! It’s literally right behind me but it opens up a different world!
Until next month.