I was really pleased to learn that one of my Yupo miniatures, ‘Outback on Yupo III’, was selected for the Lethbridge 20000 Small Scale Art Awards’ online exhibition, which has just opened.
Without a lot of other art news this month, however, I thought I’d share the reader reviews I’ve received to date for Sophie’s Sister. I couldn’t be happier with the response and am really pleased so many people have enjoyed it. If you haven’t read it, and you’d like to, it’s available from all the usual online bookstores, or (for those of you in Australia), it’s also available directly from me, just email me at manina@bigpond.com
‘Sophie’s Sister took me on such an emotional journey! Your descriptions of Australia’s amazing landscape across the Nullarbor to Western Australia were fantastic and I enjoyed learning about the extreme sport of cave diving. I was deeply moved by your references to Celia’s devotion to her little family and the close relationship she shared with her daughter. Congratulations on a wonderful book and I look forward to your next one!’
‘An excellent read - and not just for the reflections of life’s ups and downs and middles, but for the evocative descriptions of place and people.’
‘The book is terrific. Mind you not my usual read, I’m more in crime and mystery, but I thoroughly enjoyed every page. I loved your descriptions of places, people and events. I’ve heard of the Cocklebiddy Caves before and now you have sparked my interest. I was planning a road trip to WA in the near future so now I will have to make a detour to the caves.’
‘There are some wonderful descriptions of the landscapes, beaches and environment – I don’t know this part of Australia but you made it sound very appealing and interesting. There are also some lovely passages describing the Nullarbor landscape and weather, with a really good balance of reflection and philosophy.’
‘It’s a great read, if you don’t have your copy yet get one! The perfect antidote to social isolation.’
‘You told an intriguing story … in these troubled times it was refreshing to read so much about loving relationships. Just about all the current Australian fiction I read is about unpleasant people in dystopian worlds. So depressing.’
‘What appeals to me about it is the imagination, the Australian content and the break from all the unpleasant characters that seem to populate our current Australian fiction – these are people you might like.’
‘Well, I finally finished Sophie’s Sister - I loved it but read it slowly, not wanting it to finish, but nevertheless wanting to know the outcome as there were ominous clues along the way about how dangerous cave-driving can be! It’s the sort of book which leads to a lot of deep thinking about life and what we value - and that’s just the sort of book (and film too) I like.’
‘We both enjoyed it so much, it is one of the best books of Australia I have read.’
‘Just finished this brilliant book … You write so beautifully Nina. I loved the story and found it so informative and interesting learning about places I’ve not yet travelled to in our amazing country. Also lots of tears shed! Congratulations to you on an excellent debut novel.’
‘I have read your book and I just wanted to tell you that I got a lot out of it. I loved the deep and meaningful messages and also loved reading about this special country of ours – your writing is wonderful to read and so different – thanks. I will be recommending it to friends.’
‘I have been ‘saving’ your book because I didn’t want it to finish! However, lunchtime today in the sun was the perfect opportunity. I really enjoyed it, Nina. Totally unprepared for […], though, and then […]. How clever you are to be able to weave fact and fantasy so well into a beautifully written story!’
‘I’m enjoying resting up and reading your book, Nina! Lots of lovely descriptive language on the way through … You really make the surroundings come to life.’
‘I am reading (and enjoying) your book. I am about halfway through. You said a while ago that someone wasn't convinced about the technique of using the twin as a narrator. I actually think she is almost essential & very clever. It makes it possible to comment from outside from different situations. I'm in awe.’
‘It really was a most enjoyable read. A friend had lent me a book that she enjoyed called […]. I certainly didn't enjoy it much at all and see on the blurb that it's been shortlisted for prizes and admired by critics - why? hard for me to tell, nothing much happened, it was depressing and the writing style awkward. Yours in contrast was written well, plenty happened, it kept my interest and had characters in it you could actually like, so I do hope that it does well and that word of mouth will help get it known.’
‘It was such a lovely story & touched me very much.’
‘Such a pity your long-awaited book launch couldn’t be held yesterday, Nina. I really enjoyed reading your book – so beautifully written!’
‘I started reading your book on Saturday and finished it the next day. It was so good. Your description of the scenery, the train trip, Nullarbor, were all amazing. I feel like catching the Indian Pacific and going to Perth and going to these places you described. I couldn't put the book down. It's too good a book not to be read by all.’
‘I have just finished your book and so enjoyed it. So easy to read and your description of the Australian outback is just great. Loved the bits about the north shore of Sydney, again it is a long time since I lived there and it all came to life. We have a book club here in the village I live, and when things are back to normal again I recommend they read it. So thank you for giving me a good read and best of luck with the sales’
‘I am so pleased that you gave [my wife, now deceased] a chance to read your draft copy of Sophie’s Sister in time for her to appreciate it. I was moved about how you revealed so much about your own personal feelings about your life and how you felt about what was important to you. Describing the physical form of landscapes and the visual form is a real talent however to be able to give a heartfelt description of emotion takes guts and I love you for it.’
‘I have to say I was blown away by the storyline and the beautiful descriptions of the Australian countryside, it was as if I was there. Not so keen on the cave dwelling part though, have to be brave to do that I think! I admit to having a weep at […] but was more devastated by […]. All in all, an amazing story and I wish you all the best’
‘I enjoyed your novel, which I've recently finished. The idea for Georgia is inspired! I liked the descriptions of the journeying across Australia, which I've never done, and found it insightful. I liked the sadness too that the characters have experienced. And of course Cujo. It must have felt good writing it.’
‘I love your book Nina and am about halfway through it. I’m reading it quite slowly and relishing the writing.’
‘I am enjoying the privilege to have time to read your book. It's a great pleasure. What an interesting twist the view of Georgia. It makes me think a lot about my own life. Loss is a big issue in my life. And at the current moment I am reflecting about so many things I didn't do and didn't had enough courage and confidence for.’
‘It is very special. You must be very proud indeed to see it finally in print.’
‘I finished your book this morning. Really enjoyed it. The more I read, the more I wanted to read!’
‘[My wife] is on the couch crying after just finishing your book. She gave it 5 out of 5. She’s a dog tragic.’
‘I finished your lovely book a few days ago – so engrossed all the way … the philosophy behind all the conclusions were spot on! Coming to that sense of inner peace by not asking “why?” but accepting that it “just is” is the only way to enjoy the life we have, the road that we are on. It’s about “letting go”.
‘I am getting near the end of your wonderful book now. It’s been fabulous. I am in awe of your knowledge of the Nullarbor, etc and the beautiful way in which you write.’
‘You have written it so well it is easy to read, and a wonderfully imaginative idea.’
‘I enjoyed the story - an interesting take on someone’s subconscious, or perhaps not. Georgia is her own character and it was interesting to see the world through her eyes. Gorgeous cover too. Congratulations once again. I hope it sells well for you.’
‘What an awesome emotional & glorious book!’
‘I absolutely loved it! I did not read it when I first received it as I was reading another book and involved in too many other things at the time. I could see it was going to be an unusual book and did not want to be distracted by too much going on once I started. I was very glad I waited and was able to savour it. The story being narrated by a spirit being certainly captured my attention from the start and the study of human nature and all its foibles and complex relationships added a whole other dimension to Sophie’s Sister. It really is a fascinating read! My husband read it after me and really enjoyed it too. I was not sure how he would cope with the story being told by an ethereal being but he soon got used to it! Apart from the book being such an unusual concept, it was wonderfully evocative of central Australia generally, crossing the Nullarbor and the trip on the Indian Pacific. Thank you for the opportunity to read your beautifully written book and congratulations once again.’
Until next month.