When I was thinking about what I might paint for my second exhibition at The Village Kitchen, in Kurrajong, I wanted to return to west of the Great Divide, as I’d done last year with ‘Gone West’. I’d often thought about painting The Dish, in Parkes – that was one thing, but it needed a lot more than that.
I still had a couple of paintings from my ‘Postcards from Paris’ series. So … Paris, Parkes, Parkes, Paris … it’s almost impossible to imagine two more different places! I liked that aspect of it, and so it wasn’t long before I settled on the title ‘From Parkes to Paris’, as it has such a nice ring to it. I looked out a map, and then some of my old photo albums, and this collection is the result.
Starting in Parkes, I continue east through Orange to the Blue Mountains before heading north and off Australia’s Queensland coast to Fraser Island. From there it was across to Hawaii, up to Canada, into mainland USA (both west and east coasts), finally landing in the French capital.
This is a very nature-based series of paintings – apart from the radio telescope at the start, and the famous (if controversial) glass pyramid outside the Louvre at the end, you’ll see very little of the built environment.
Unless noted otherwise, the paintings below are available for purchase. Please drop me an email.