FIRST BY 4 (2017)

‘First by 4’ was the name of a group exhibition held in 2017 at the Balmain Watch House in Sydney. Exhibiting artists were Nita Lewis, Jo Martin, Nicole Miranda and Nina Paine.

I really enjoy painting images from the built environment – perhaps it’s a hidden desire to have been an architect, but perhaps it’s no more than escapism, a chance for my mind to wander, to places I’ve been and places I’d still like to go. It’s an opportunity to dream, and who doesn’t enjoy dreaming?

Soon after I started painting, it was doors in particular (and windows to a lesser extent) that I found so alluring. It made sense, therefore, that doors would be my focus for ‘First by 4’ – the first exhibition I took part in. It is said that a person’s eyes are the window to their soul, so perhaps a door is the window to the heart – the heart of a structure, be it a home, a gallery, a church or a restaurant, a hotel or even a prison. A door can offer a hint of what’s beating within. But only a hint. Just as the face a person presents to the public may give nothing away of what’s going on in that person’s life, doors too can hide a multitude of secrets.

Unless noted otherwise, the paintings below are available for purchase. Please drop me an email.

Blue Door III, 2016.JPG

Blue Door III - SOLD

Image area 152 x 212 mm

Blue Door V, 2016.JPG

Blue Door V - SOLD

Image area 152 x 212 mm

Blue Door VI, 2016.JPG

Blue Door VI - SOLD

Image area 152 x 212 mm

Blue Door II, 2016.JPG

blue door II - SOLD

Image area 152 x 212 mm

Blue Door IV, 2016 - NA.JPG

blue door iv - na

Blue Door I, 2016.JPG

Blue Door I - SOLD

Image area 152 x 212 mm

Hunter's Door, 2017.JPG

hunter’s door

Image area 152 x 210 mm

Out West - Copy.JPG

out west - SOLD

Image area 152 x 212 mm

Joe's Door, Cockatoo Island, 2017.jpeg

joe’s door, cockatoo island - SOLD

Image area 152 x 210 mm

Anh's Door, Surry Hills (Stable Studio), 2017 - SOLD.jpeg

anh’s door, surry hills - NA

beyond the door - na

Green Door, 2017 - SOLD.JPG

green door - sold

Overgrown, 2017 - SOLD.jpeg

overgrown - sold

Historical Gaol Cells of Cook, Nullarbor Plain, SA, 2016.jpeg

historical gaol cells of cook, nullarbor plain, sa

Image area 212 x 152 mm

Balmain Watch House I, 2016 - NFS.JPG

balmain watch house I - SOLD

Balmain Watch House II, 2016 - SOLD.JPG

balmain watch house II - sold

Neighbour to The Star, 2017 - SOLD.jpeg

neighbour to the star - sold

Solitary Confinement, Cockatoo Island (Doors of Sydney's Past triptych, top), 2017 - SOLD.jpeg

solitary confinement, cockatoo island

(doors of sydney’s past, triptych top) - sold

Carriageworks, Eveleigh (Doors of Sydney's Past triptych, centre), 2017 - SOLD.jpeg

carriageworks, eveleigh

(doors of sydney’s past, triptych, centre) - sold

The Coal Loader, Waverton (Doors of Sydney's Past triptych bottom), 2017 - SOLD.jpeg

the coal loader, waverton

(doors of sydney’s past, triptych, bottom) - sold

In a Paris Courtyard, 2017 - SOLD.jpeg

in a paris courtyard - sold

Sue's Door, Woodstock, England, 2017 - SOLD.JPG

sue’s door, woodstock, england - sold

Taos III, New Mexico, 2016.jpeg

doors of new mexico series

TAOS III, NEW MEXICO (pictured left)


This painting was donated to St Ives Primary School and auctioned at their November 2019 trivia night to help raise funds to upgrade the school hall air conditioning and to create new spaces to inspire and support the students in their learning.

Image area 190 x 280 mm

About the Doors of New Mexico series …

New Mexico (known as the Land of Enchantment), and perhaps Santa Fe and Taos in particular, are something of a haven for creative souls.

For me, the appeal was twofold: I was first drawn to the architecture, where the basic earth-tone style blends the construction techniques long used by the Pueblo Indians with those brought by the Spanish settlers; and then the abundance of blue doors, striking in their brilliance alongside the soft-toned and gently sculpted adobe walls. These doors were believed to have prevented evil spirits from entering a home, although today they’re just as likely to be a sign of welcome.

Santa Fe IV, New Mexico, 2016.jpeg

santa fe IV, new mexico - SOLD

Image area 190 x 280 mm


doors of new mexico card set

Six of the eight ‘Doors of New Mexico’ paintings in this series have been reproduced to make greeting cards (blank inside).

These are available for purchase individually ($4 each + postage) or a pack containing all six ($20 + postage).

Please drop me an email.



Exhibition over! 2017